Monday, June 30, 2008

Very busy Sunday

We had church in the city park yesterday morning. It was a community service, very nice. Our church choir sang three song yeah three count them one, two, three! Everyone said we did a great job. Here is a picture on us singing. This should surprise Dee Ann that the choir is back in action. Then PROG (Pisgah Reach Out Group) had lunch which was really good. I really liked the strawberry short cake!! MMMMMM Good!!!!

Then after we got our tummies full went to Ralph Hussings ordination to Elder ship I guess is what you would call it. And had cake there. Then after that we took mom to go and see the tornado damage at the Little Sioux Scout Ranch. And we also took her to the look out. We have never taken her there. I know I know for shame on me for not taken her there. It is not like it is hours away? So here are a few pictures from that drive.The one picture is of the flag at half staff at the Boy Scouts Camp.

And yes we took Chill along for the fun drive so here is some of his high lights. As you can see we went to Dairy Queen again! Chill even got to meet Jaysa Lawrenson and her mommy and daddy. He wanted to go home with Jaysa but her owner would be lost with out her!

Hey Chill I think that sundae is bigger than you are. You will look like a black and white pig instead of a penguin!!!!!

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